Wednesday, April 24, 2019
NC State University Club
4200 Hillsborough St.
11:30 A.M. – 1:00 P.M.
Business owners, managers and HR professionals are called well beyond the scope of their job descriptions daily, often playing the role of soothsayer, peacemaker, and yes, detective all in a day’s work.
This program will teach you how pros approach the art of interviewing, fact-gathering, and more. You will learn how to:
- Determine the nature and scope of an investigation;
- Plan and conduct interviews while gaining cooperation from witnesses;
- Deal with risks and ethical dilemmas that can arise;
- Examine issues related to document retention and confidentiality;
- Interview in-house counsel and senior members of management; and
- Prepare investigation reports.
William S. Cherry III, Attorney, Manning, Fulton & Skinner, P.A.
Jennifer L. Weaver, Attorney, Manning, Fulton & Skinner, P.A.
Seating is limited, there is no fee to attend this program and lunch will be provided.